Liberation War of Bangladesh essay । বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধ রচনা

 Liberation war of Bangladesh

Introduction: 1971 is a milestone in the modern history of Bengali. A glorious history has been written in this year 1971. We achieved freedom in 1971 through blood, tears and immense sacrifice. And independent sovereign Bangladesh has emerged through the heroic armed liberation war. Liberation War is therefore a pride in our national life, a great victory story of glory.

Background of the War of Liberation: During the partition of the country in 1947, East Bengal was annexed artificially Communal state with Pakistan. 56 percent of Pakistan's population lived in East Bengal and East Pakistan. But still the key to governance was axism in West Pakistan. Gradually, the nature of the rule and exploitation of the ruling group of West Pakistan became clear in front of the people of East Bengal. Within a few months of the establishment of Pakistan, ignoring Bengali, the mother tongue of 56 percent, the Pakistani rulers declared Urdu, the language of 7 percent of the people, as the state language. A storm of protest broke out in East Bengal. In 1952, through the language movement, the protesting masses of East Bengal were initiated into the liberation of the country.

In 1958, the Pakistani ruling class imposed conspiratorial military rule. They continued to implement education-restriction and repression policies. As a result, intense discontent arose in East Bengal. In this context, Awami League leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman announced a 6-point program in 1966 to achieve independence. The Pakistani government once again resorted to strict repression. Sheikh Mujib was arrested on charges of sedition and the historic Agartala case was registered against him. In 1969, the government was forced to drop the Agartala case and release the Rajbandis after a massive mass movement erupted. In 1970, the National and Provincial Council elections were held. Awami League under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman won the majority in the elections.

The Pakistani ruling class was horrified by the unprecedented victory of the Awami League. They transfer power Denied and started plotting. As a result, public discontent intensified in East Bengal. In this context, Bangabandhu called for non-cooperation movement. On March 7, 1971, in a passionate speech at a historic rally in Dhaka, he called for the building of forts from house to house and declared - 'This time's struggle is our liberation struggle. This struggle, the struggle for freedom.'

As the non-cooperation movement escalated, the Pakistani government became ruthless. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was arrested at midnight on 25th March. That very night the then military dictator General Yahya Khan unleashed the Pakistan Army on the innocent Bengali people. In the dark of night, brutal and brutal massacres took place.

Before his arrest that night, i.e. in the early hours of March 26, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman announced the independence of Bangladesh. The war of liberation began. Bangabandhu's declaration of independence was broadcast from Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra in Chittagong's Kalurghat. The next day on March 27, Major Ziaur Rahman again read the Declaration of Independence on behalf of Bangabandhu. Spontaneous uprisings for independence took place all over Bangladesh.

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Description of the War of Liberation: The Pakistani invasion forces established a reign of killing and destruction in the country. Bengali police and army took part in the war of independence. Political leaders and activists and about 1 crore refugees were forced to cross the border and take shelter in neighboring India. Organized and trained freedom fighters in different parts of India. On April 10, 1971, a provisional government in exile was formed in India under the leadership of Tajuddin Ahmad. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was made the President of the Government of Bangladesh. In his absence, Vice President Syed Nazrul Islam performed the duties of the President. Tajuddin Ahmad performed the duties of the Prime Minister. Colonel (retd.) Ataul Gani Osmani became the commander of the liberation war. Mukti Bahini accelerated the liberation war by dividing Bangladesh into 11 sectors.

Students, workers, farmers and political activists joined the Mukti Bahini to liberate the country from the Pakistani occupation forces. They took part in the Liberation War with training in tactics, weaponry and use of explosives. In this way, people from all walks of life took a stand in favor of the liberation war. A handful of people from this country formed the Razakar, Albadar and Alshams forces and opposed the liberation war as agents of the Pakistani invaders.

The Pakistani forces gradually faced stiff resistance from the freedom fighters. Some countries including the United States, China, Saudi Arabia took a stand in favor of the Pakistani invasion forces, but Eastern European countries including India and the Soviet Union strongly supported the liberation war of Bangladesh. A strong public opinion was created in favor of the liberation struggle of Bangladesh all over the world. Mukti Bahini gradually gained strength. The Pakistani invasion forces and the Razakars were disoriented by their stealthy guerilla activities and adventurous fighting. Confused by India's support for the liberation war, they declared war on India. Pakistani forces were defeated in the face of a combined attack by Mukti Bahini and Indian allied forces. They formally surrendered with arms to the Mukti Bahini and the Allies on 16 December 1971 at the Race Course Maidan (present Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka. The independent sovereign Bangladesh emerged on the world map with the cheering of the people all over the country.

Conclusion: Bangladesh is independent today. That freedom did not come. 3 million people were martyred for this. One crore people have become refugees. The dream that we got freedom in return for countless sacrifices has not been fulfilled even today. We are still moving towards that goal. We have a long way to go. Freedom should be made meaningful by realizing the dream of freedom with the spirit of the liberation war.


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