What is management accounting। scope of management accounting। Tools and techniques of management accounting। Importance of management accounting
Management accounting is a special Branch of accounting. It is a modern and scientific innovation of accounting. The part of accounting that helps managers in taking decision providing accounting information is called management accounting.
Many authors and institutions have defined the management accounting in different ways. Some of The popular definations are given below:
1. Management accounting is concerned with accounting information tgat is useful to management of an organisation.
_R.N. Anthory
2.Management accounting is regarded as any form of accounting which enables a business organisation to be conducted more efficiently.
3. Management accounting is used to describe the accounting methods, system and techniques which cupled with special knowledge and ability assist management in its take of maximizing profits and minimizing loss.
In fine,we can say management accounting is a ]art of general accounting process which provides the accounting information to the internal users(manager) for taking policy or conducting the day to day operations of an Organization.
Scope of management accounting:
1.Financial accounting
2.Cost accounting
3.Data Processing
4.Internal auditing
6.Tax reporting
7.Financial analysis
Tools and Techniques of management accounting:
The principal tools and techniques which are used in management accounting in order to achieve its objectives are:
1.Historical costing
2.Financial planning
3.Budgetary control and strander costing
4.Marginal costing
5.cost-volume-profit analysis
6.Funds flow and cash flow analysis
7.Statistical techniques and operation research
8.capital budgeting
9.Financial reporting
10.analysis and interpretation of financial statements with the help of accounting rations and statistical measures.
Importance of management accounting:
The importance of management accounting can be stated as follows:
1.Efficient planning
2.increasing efficiency to business operations
3.efficient control
4.To increase labour efficiency
5.To achieve management efficiency
6.To help management function
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