Digital Bangladesh paragraph

  Digital Bangladesh       

1. What is digital? 

2. What do you mean by digital Bangladesh? 

3. Describe the works done in digital Bangladesh? 

4. Is it will be possible for us to uphold Bangladesh as a developed country? 

The word 'digital' has come from the word 'digit'. There is a dream of making Bangladesh by using digital technology. Digital Bangladesh is the implementation of this dream. If all the activists of a country are powered by computers and the internet, the country can be called digital. Making digital Bangladesh is a difficult task. It is a long-term process. Firstly, an uninterrupted power supply is a must in the country. Secondly computer network infrastructure should be developed all over the country. There are many benefits of digital Bangladesh. In digital Bangladesh, all sectors of the government will work by clicking the mouse of computer. It will save both time and energy. All other sectors of the government will be improved by digital technology. To make digital Bangladesh by 2021 is one of the commitments of the present government. If our government materialize this dream of digital Bangladesh, our country will be able to make progress in all sectors. It will be possible for us to uphold ourselves as one of the developed countries of the world.  

Vocabulary: word-শব্দ ; dream- স্বপ্ন ; technology- প্রযুক্তি; implementation-বাস্তবায়ন ; activists-কর্মী; powered-চালিত ; difficult task- কঠিন কাজ; long trem-দীর্ঘমেয়াদী; process- প্রক্রিয়া; uninterpreted- নিরবচ্ছিন্ন; infrastructure- ব্যাখ্যাহীন ; benefits- সুবিধা ; commitment- অঙ্গিকার; materialize- বাস্তবায়িত করা; progress- অগ্রগতি; uphold- বজায় রাখা; ourselves- নিজেদেরকে; Developed-উন্নতি।


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